Follow my journey through this five year high conflict custody battle. This journey starts from the separation and continues to what I hope to be the fifth and last court appearance. Each episode focuses on the emotional impact of what is happening along the way. This podcast can be found on all major podcast providers, Apple, Audible, Spotify, YouTube and others. Just search using Fight-The-4%, rate and please leave a review . Visit

Fight the 4% Trailer

Why do all this now? After five years of being a high conflict child custody battle, it is time to tell my story of the emotional and physical toll this causes. This first episode discuss the why and sets the groundwork for all the episodes to come.

Episode One: The Beginning

All things have a beginning. Starting at the moment I left the house, I soon discovered so much planning had already been done. How could I have been so blind? Where did I go wrong and what happens next?

Episode Two: Discovery Phase

What to expect in a discovery phase. What did I discover? How to prepare for a discovery phase and understanding the vulnerability of being asked to provide an extremely wide range of information about yourself.

Episode Three: The First Trial | TPA

The pandemic. My first time being in front of a judge. Opposing counsel. Questions I was asked. False allegations and the TPA (Temporary Parental Agreement) that would still be in place, five years later.

Episode Four: The First Forensic Psych Evaluation

What is it like going through a forensic psych evaluation? The process. The emotional toll it takes. My life under a microscope.

Episode Five: The Letter

The letter that changed everything and caused a second forensic evaluation. What role do therapists play in high conflict custody cases.

Episode Six: Giving Up?

Should I just give up now? The Emotional impact of what that letter did to me and how it caused me to rethink everything.

Coming Soon - Episode Eight: Going to Court

What is it like going to court? Giving too much details in answering questions. What should a person expect sitting in the courtroom during their trial?

Episode seven: The Trials

The trials where opposing counsel filed for emergency parental custody based on false allegations. The importance of video. The power of wanting a hug from your children and what happens when it is lost.

Coming Soon - Episode Nine: The Second Forensic Psych Evaluation

Yes, crazy but there was a second psych evaluation but it did not turn out as expected. Parental alienation. My conversations with Dr. Amy Baker.

Coming Soon - Episode Ten: Supervised Visitations

What to expect when having supervised visits order by the court? Am I a bad father? Advice one of my boys therapists gave me about giving up custody and this fight. Is it worth it? What saved me?

Coming Soon - Episode Eleven: The Fifth Trial

Opposing counsel has now requested a two to three week trial in 2025. Dealing with the feeling of being bullied by opposing counsel. Your help!